Minor transcription error in the endgame in the original Round 2 game, corrected:
[Event "Bodley Cup 2014"] [Site "St.Benildus Chess Club"] [Date "2014.10.01"] [Round "2"] [White "Vincent Denard"] [Black "Mark Dennehy"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1003"] [BlackElo "1019"] [ECO "B13b"] [EventDate "2014.10.01"] [Annotator "Stockfish 230814 64"] 1. e4 {+0.22} 1. ... c6 {+0.32} 2. d4 {+0.37} 2. ... d5 {+0.37} 3. exd5 {+0.22} 3. ... cxd5 {+0.22} 4. Nc3 {Wait, what? That's not in the exchange variation. It's not in any of my basic opening books, or in the MCO... -0.03} 4. ... Bf5 {Well, if he won't block me from doing it with Bd3, I'll go ahead and play the natural move here... +0.22} 5. Nf3 {+0.11} 5. ... Nf6 {Hummed and hawed a bit here wondering if I should do this or e6 first, but couldn't see a reason not to and didn't think bringing out the queen so early if he played Nxd was the best approach. +0.13} 6. Bf4 {+0.25} 6. ... e6 {Didn't think Bf4 was doing anything other than attacking a covered knight and developing, so I got on with my development. +0.44} 7. Nb5 $201 {Wallop. That was unpleasant. Obvious threat is now Nc7+ +0.54} 7. ... Bb4+ $2 $16 {And I'm toast. For some reason, that Knights-on-the-rim-are-dim phrase stuck in my head and I was thinking that Na6 wasn't the better move here and I could go round the knight with the bishop to defend the c7 square; but it sooooo is. This damn near lost me the game in fifteen moves. +2.67 / +0.54} ( 7. ... Na6 8. c3 Be7 9. Ne5 Nd7 10. g4 Be4 11. f3 Nxe5 12. Bxe5 Bh4+ 13. Ke2 f6 14. Nd6+ Kf8 15. Nxb7 Qd7 16. Bd6+ Kf7 17. Qb3 Bg6 18. Kd1 Nc7 $14 ) 8. c3 {+2.63} 8. ... Ba5 {+2.70} 9. Nd6+ $201 {And there it is, the move I missed. That's castling rights gone and a pawn to boot. +2.82} 9. ... Ke7 $2 $18 $201 {The engines strongly disagree here and for good reason; I'm looking to let the rook out before hiding behind an undisturbed pawn wall, but I've missed some nastier tactics the engines are seeing. +5.08 / +2.82} ( 9. ... Kf8 10. Ne5 Bg6 11. Nxb7 Qb6 12. Qb3 Qxb3 13. axb3 Bb6 14. Bb5 a6 15. O-O Bc2 16. Nd6 Ra7 17. Be2 Bxb3 18. Nc8 Rb7 19. Nxf7 Rxf7 20. Bd6+ Kg8 21. Bxb8 Rf8 22. Nxb6 Rxb8 23. Rxa6 $16 ) 10. Nxb7 $2 $18 {And another lucky escape for me there. +3.12 / +5.08} ( 10. Qb3 Qb6 11. Qa3 Bb4 12. cxb4 Rd8 13. Nxf5+ exf5 14. b5+ Ke8 15. Bd3 Qe6+ 16. Kf1 Ne4 17. Ng5 Qe7 18. Nxh7 f6 19. f3 g5 20. Qxe7+ Kxe7 21. fxe4 dxe4 22. Nxg5 Rxd4 23. Be2 fxg5 24. Be3 Rd6 25. Bxg5+ Kf7 26. Bh5+ Kg7 $18 ) 10. ... Qb6 $201 {Only place for the queen to go. +3.16} 11. Nxa5 $6 $16 {Wasn't expecting that, but I'll take it. And it's a very very lucky escape - the only other game I could find with this opening was Huesemann v Schulz, in round 3 of BEM-ch U16/18, 1998 and there white played Bd6+and the natural Ke8 was followed by Qa4+ and the game ended in resignation on move fifteen after some utter mangling of black by white: http://www.365chess.com/game.php?gid=912554 +2.17 / +3.16} ( 11. Qb3 Qxb3 12. axb3 Bb6 13. Bd6+ Kd7 14. Ne5+ Kc8 15. Nxf7 Rg8 16. Nc5 Ne4 17. Nxe4 Bxe4 18. b4 Bc7 19. f3 Bg6 20. Bxc7 Kxc7 21. Ne5 Nd7 22. Nxg6 hxg6 23. Kf2 Rgb8 $18 ) 11. ... Qxa5 $201 {+2.21} 12. b4 $6 $14 {I didn't see the Qb3 move here that the engine's talking about, but it's right, it's better. Keeps the pressure up on me and eventually wins material but more, keeps me frazzled. +1.39 / +2.21} ( 12. Qb3 Nbd7 13. a4 Rhc8 14. Qa3+ Ke8 15. Be2 a6 16. O-O Qd8 17. Nh4 Be4 18. f3 Bc2 19. Rac1 Nh5 20. Bd6 Qxh4 21. Rxc2 Nf4 22. a5 Qg5 23. g3 Nxe2+ 24. Rxe2 Rc4 25. Rfe1 Qd8 26. Kh1 h6 27. Kg1 Rac8 $16 ) 12. ... Qb6 {And somehow I've escaped with only the loss of a pawn. Not sure how... +1.46} 13. Be2 {+1.35} 13. ... Re8 {Firstly I'm thinking of hiding my king away and secondly of pointing the rook at his king. There was some very vague idea of using this in a tactic, but it was too nebulous to pin down. +1.52} 14. Nd2 {+1.39} 14. ... Nbd7 {And that's the opening formally over. Down one pawn, castling rights lost, bishop pair lost, queenside in utter disarray, and still lucky that's all that was. What a mangling of an opening! +1.41} 15. Nb3 {I'm guessing Nc5 here, but beyond it being good positionally, I don't see any real plan behind it. +1.38} 15. ... Ne4 {Attacking the weak c3 pawn. +1.48} 16. Bd2 {+1.11} 16. ... Ne5 {Knight's perfectly safe, dxN leads to Qxf2# +1.41} 17. O-O {Natural move. +1.38} 17. ... Nc4 $201 {The skittles room thinks all I get from this is an exchange (BxN, dxB) that leaves the c4 pawn trapped. But in the game, I saw the loss of the bishop pair and thought that wasn't the worst outcome ever given how mangled I'd just been. +1.41} 18. a4 $2 {I don't know what he was doing here. I mean, it's not a horrible move on its own, it gets the queenside push rolling, but I didn't see any plan for it. Worse yet, it opens him up to a tactic with NcxB, NxN, Nxc3 and the queen must move to Qe1, leaving two pawns hanging. -1.17 / +1.41} ( 18. Bxc4 dxc4 19. Nc5 Nxc5 20. bxc5 Qc6 21. Re1 Kf8 22. Bf4 Rad8 23. Qe2 Bd3 24. Qg4 Bf5 25. Qg3 f6 26. Bd6+ Kg8 27. f3 Rd7 28. Rad1 Rb7 29. Rd2 Bd3 30. h3 Qd7 31. Qg4 $14 ) 18. ... Ncxd2 $201 {-1.30} 19. Nxd2 $6 $17 {I'd missed this nice move by the engines, attacking the queen with a5 - I still get the pawn from the opening back but it's nowhere near as comfortable. -1.85 / -1.30} ( 19. a5 Qd6 20. Nxd2 Nxc3 21. Qe1 Kf8 22. Nf3 Rac8 23. b5 Qb4 24. b6 axb6 25. axb6 Qxb6 26. Qd2 Nxe2+ 27. Qxe2 Rc2 28. Qe3 Rec8 29. Rfc1 Rxc1+ 30. Rxc1 Rxc1+ 31. Qxc1 f6 32. Qc5+ ) 19. ... Nxc3 {-1.87} 20. Qe1 {-1.81} 20. ... Qxd4 {Taking the center pawn when given the choice between b and d pawns. -1.83} 21. b5 {Again, this makes sense on its own, but leaves him open to a tactic, in this case NxB+ and either QxB, Bc3 pinning the queen to the rook, or Kh1 and the knight leaps away and we're up the same amount of net material. -2.09} 21. ... Nxe2+ {-1.95} 22. Qxe2 {-2.27} 22. ... Bd3 $201 {-2.18} 23. Qe1 $6 $19 {I didn't think I'd see Qe1 here, I didn't even consider it. I thought I'd see either Qe3 to swap off the queens or Qf3 to save them - which the engines prefer. -3.16 / -2.18} ( 23. Qf3 Bxf1 24. Qa3+ Kf6 25. Qf3+ Kg5 26. Qg3+ Qg4 27. Qe3+ Kg6 28. Rxf1 h6 29. f4 Kh7 30. Nf3 f6 31. h3 Qg6 32. a5 Rab8 33. b6 axb6 34. a6 Ra8 35. Ra1 Qe4 36. Qxb6 Qxf4 37. a7 e5 $17 ) 23. ... Bxf1 {-3.00} 24. Nf3 $201 {Didn't see that coming, but it's sound enough. How I reacted to it was not. -3.20} 24. ... Qd3 $4 $18 $201 {So I'm thinking I can save the bishop. Greed, pure greed. Qc4 leads to the Nd2 fork, so I come in to Qd3. The skittles room thought this bizzare, and suggested Qe4 to swap off the queens, and the engines think it's out-and-out losing, but they're seeing something six moves away which he blundered in the game. This was a pretty heinous mistake and a lesson for me to learn... +11.37 / -3.20} ( 24. ... Qe4 25. Qxf1 Rec8 26. Qd1 Qc2 27. Qe1 Qc3 28. Nd2 Kf8 29. g3 Rc5 30. Kg2 Rac8 31. h4 Qb4 32. Nf3 Qxe1 33. Rxe1 Rc2 34. Ra1 Rb2 35. Ne5 Rcc2 36. Nd3 Ra2 37. Rxa2 $19 ) 25. Ne5 $4 $17 $201 {A very lucky escape for me, as he misses the early Qb4+ attack and goes after the queen again. -2.24 / +11.37} ( 25. Qb4+ Kd8 26. Qd6+ Kc8 27. Rc1+ Qc4 28. Rxc4+ Bxc4 29. Qc6+ Kd8 30. Qxa8+ Ke7 31. Qxa7+ Kf6 32. b6 g5 33. b7 g4 34. Nd4 g3 35. fxg3 h6 36. b8=Q Rxb8 37. Qxb8 Kg6 38. Kf2 Bd3 39. Qf4 Kg7 40. Ke3 Bc4 41. Nc6 Ba6 42. Kf2 $18 ) 25. ... Qe2 $2 $10 {And again chasing after lost material in a greedy way that leads to self-destruction. I'm looking to swap off the Queens and retake with the bishop, getting it out of the line of fire. +0.45 / -2.24} ( 25. ... Qb3 26. Qxf1 f6 27. Nc6+ Kf7 28. Nd4 Qc4 29. Qd1 Rec8 30. Nc6 g6 31. Rc1 Qf4 32. g3 Qd6 33. Qd3 Kg7 34. Rd1 a6 35. Qd4 axb5 36. axb5 Ra2 $17 ) 26. Qb4+ {And this time he doesn't miss it, though it's now been blunted. I'm thinking Kd8 is mate in only a few moves, so it has to be Kf6, he'll come round the Knight in attack and I'll loop back the way I came to escape.I'll lose the f-pawn, but I have chances of escaping - and losing here with my Queen sitting on his King would just be embarressing. +0.43} 26. ... Kf6 {+0.46} 27. Qf4+ {+0.43} 27. ... Ke7 {+0.43} 28. Qxf7+ {-0.06} 28. ... Kd6 $201 {-0.02} 29. Nc6 $2 $17 $201 {I was expecting Rc1 here and the pressure stepping up. -2.44 / -0.02} ( 29. Rc1 Rac8 30. Nc6 Bxg2 31. Qxa7 e5 32. Kxg2 Ke6 33. Qb6 Qe4+ 34. Kg1 Kf5 35. Ne7+ Rxe7 36. Rxc8 Qg4+ 37. Kf1 Qxa4 38. Rf8+ Kg4 39. Qc5 Qc4+ $10 ) 29. ... d4 $4 $14 $201 {I did see Bxg2 in the game, but I couldn't see a clear way out of the mating net he was working on, so I moved d4 to gain some breathing room around the king. +1.26 / -2.44} ( 29. ... Bxg2 30. Qf4+ e5 31. Qb4+ Kd7 32. Kxg2 Qe4+ 33. Qxe4 dxe4 34. Rd1+ Kc7 35. Na5 Kb6 36. Nc4+ Kc5 37. Nd6 Rf8 38. Nxe4+ Kb4 39. Rd5 $17 ) 30. Nxd4 $4 $19 $201 {And that was a mistake - I didn't think he'd think the pawn was worth taking the pressure off. Up to now, that queen was annoying because without it, Rf8 was mate in two (Qxf2+, Kh1, Qxg2#) but if the rook came off defending the e7 square, it was mate in one with Qe7#. Meanwhile, that bishop on f1 has been hanging this whole time... -4.16 / +1.26} ( 30. Rxf1 d3 31. Qf4+ e5 32. Qb4+ Kc7 33. Nxa7 d2 $14 ) 30. ... Rf8 $4 $201 {Don't need to watch e7 anymore with the Knight away. The engines point out what I missed though - Qe4 threatens mate in one and that forces RxB which gives QxN and gives me a healthier position. -1.10 / -4.16} ( 30. ... Qg4 31. Rxf1 Qxd4 32. Qh5 Ke7 33. Qxh7 Rac8 34. h3 Rc5 35. Qg6 Kf8 36. Qg3 Rc3 37. Qe3 Qxe3 38. fxe3+ Ke7 39. Rf4 Rxe3 40. Rg4 Rg8 41. Rc4 Rd8 42. a5 $19 ) 31. Qxf8+ $2 $19 {I don't mind swapping off here either. Yes, I lose material in the exchange, but I'm far enough ahead that I come out better off overall and with more actual pieces as well as with the higher total analysis score. It's messy, but it works. -3.17 / -1.10} ( 31. Nxe2 Rxf7 32. Kxf1 a6 33. Rd1+ Kc5 34. Rc1+ Kb4 35. Nd4 e5 36. Nc6+ Kxa4 37. bxa6 Rxa6 38. Nxe5 Re7 39. Nc6 Re4 40. f3 Rh4 41. h3 Kb5 42. Ne5 Rha4 43. Rc7 Ra7 ) 31. ... Rxf8 {-3.01} 32. Nxe2 {-3.17} 32. ... Bxe2 $201 {And that's us into a R + 5 v R + B + 4 endgame. It gets scraggly in here because I didn't have a great overall plan - or even a plan at all initially - but I felt happy with it and on time we were down to about 25 mins apiece here. -3.20} 33. Ra2 $6 $19 {-3.80 / -3.20} ( 33. Rc1 Rf4 $19 ) 33. ... Bc4 {-3.84} 34. Ra3 {-3.91} 34. ... Rc8 {Threatening a back-rank mate. -3.79} 35. g3 {-4.06} 35. ... Be2 {Skittles room notes that Bd5 threatens a back-rank mate here too, and probably wins a pawn in the process. -3.84} 36. Kg2 $201 {-3.93} 36. ... Rf8 $6 $19 {Lack of a plan showing here. -3.22 / -3.93} ( 36. ... Rc2 37. g4 Bxg4 38. Rd3+ Kc7 39. Rg3 Rc4 40. f3 Bf5 41. Rxg7+ Kb6 42. a5+ Kxa5 43. Rxa7+ Kxb5 44. Kg3 Kc6 45. Re7 Kd6 46. Rb7 Ke5 47. Rb3 Kf6 48. h4 Rc1 49. Kg2 Rc2+ 50. Kg3 Rc1 $19 ) 37. Re3 $201 {-3.68} 37. ... Bd1 $4 $14 $201 {And this was a heinous blunder. Bc4 was far far better, this just hangs the bishop leaving me in a much less winnable endgame. +1.37 / -3.68} ( 37. ... Bc4 38. Re1 Bb3 39. Rb1 Bxa4 40. Ra1 Bxb5 41. Rxa7 Bc6+ 42. Kf1 Bd7 43. Ke2 Rb8 44. Ke3 Rb3+ 45. Kd2 e5 46. Ra6+ Bc6 47. Ra7 Rb7 48. Rxb7 Bxb7 49. Ke3 Bd5 50. f4 h5 51. f5 Bc6 $19 ) 38. Ra3 $4 $19 $201 {As soon as his hand came off the piece, he saw Rd3+ and so did I and we both were disgusted with ourselves! -3.86 / +1.37} ( 38. Rd3+ Kc5 39. Rxd1 Rf7 40. f4 g6 41. Kh3 Kb4 42. Rd4+ Kc5 43. Re4 Kd6 44. Kg4 Rf5 45. Re3 Rc5 46. Rb3 Kc7 47. a5 Kb7 48. Rb2 Kc7 49. Rb1 Kb7 50. Re1 Rxb5 51. Rxe6 $14 ) 38. ... Ke7 $6 $17 $201 {Hiding away was the natural reaction here, but the skittles room was fast to point out that Kc5 is better overall because the King isn't doing any good for anyone by hiding away in this phase of things. -2.83 / -3.86} ( 38. ... Kc5 39. f4 Rf7 40. Ra1 Rd7 41. Kf2 Kb4 42. Rb1+ Ka5 43. b6 axb6 44. Rb5+ Ka6 45. Rb4 Rd3 46. Rc4 Kb7 47. Re4 Bg4 48. Re5 Rd2+ 49. Kg1 h6 $19 ) 39. Ra1 $6 $19 {-3.54 / -2.83} ( 39. f4 Rf5 40. Kf2 Rd5 41. Ra1 Bc2 42. Ra2 Rc5 43. Ra3 Kd6 44. Ke3 Rh5 45. h4 Rd5 46. Ra2 Rc5 47. a5 Bb3 48. Rd2+ Kc7 49. b6+ $17 ) 39. ... Bc2 $201 {And again overly timid play is castigated in the skittles room. Bf3+ is stronger here - Kf1, Rd8 leaves him in trouble and at worst leaves me swapping off rooks and being a bishop up. -3.06} 40. Ra2 $6 $19 {-3.61 / -3.06} ( 40. f4 Kd6 41. Kf2 e5 42. Rc1 Bxa4 43. Rc6+ Kd5 44. Rc7 Bxb5 45. Rxa7 $19 ) 40. ... Be4+ {-3.55} 41. Kf1 {-3.73} 41. ... Bd5 {-3.51} 42. Rb2 {-3.59} 42. ... Rc8 {Finally getting some semblance of a plan in my head to go after the a and b pawns while the king holds things down on the kingside. -3.50} 43. Rb1 {-3.59} 43. ... Rc4 {-3.79} 44. Ra1 {-4.00} 44. ... Rb4 {-4.05} 45. Ke1 {-4.34} 45. ... Bc4 {-3.96} 46. h4 $201 {-4.04} 46. ... a6 $6 $19 {Following my plan here, but the engine thinks I'm using too much material for it and the king would have sufficed instead of sacrificing the a-pawn, but I wanted the king over there to hold down that side of the board. -3.23 / -4.04} ( 46. ... Kd6 47. h5 Bb3 48. Rc1 h6 49. Kd2 Rxa4 50. Rc8 Bc4 51. Rg8 Bxb5 52. Rxg7 Ra2+ $19 ) 47. bxa6 {-3.37} 47. ... Bxa6 {-3.29} 48. a5 {-3.77} 48. ... Re4+ {The a and b pawns are taken care of now, so putting pressure on the other side. -3.75} 49. Kd2 {-4.11} 49. ... Re2+ {-4.16} 50. Kc3 {-4.04} 50. ... Rxf2 {-4.24} 51. Rg1 {He goes to defend the g and h pawns, so I go to clean up the a-pawn because an endgame on both sides of the board is a bit complicated for me. -4.60} 51. ... Ra2 {-4.44} 52. Kb4 {-4.53} 52. ... Rb2+ {-4.53} 53. Ka3 {-4.77} 53. ... Rb8 {A bit timid - Rb5,Ka4,Re5 and then Bb5+ would be better -4.58} 54. Re1 {-4.96} 54. ... Bc8 {Defending the pawn not so much to defend it as to free the king - though why I'm doing that when he's got nothing to pin it with I don't know. -4.65} 55. Re3 {-4.96} 55. ... Rb5 {-5.06} 56. Ka4 $201 {-5.16} 56. ... Rb8 $4 $10 $201 {The engines either say Re8 and go hit the g and h pawns or Bd7 and defend the rook; the skittles room said Bd7, but nobody thought Re8 was a good move here and they're all right :D +0.00 / -5.16} ( 56. ... Rb1 57. Ka3 Ra1+ 58. Kb4 Bd7 59. Ra3 Rxa3 60. Kxa3 Kd6 61. Kb4 e5 62. a6 Bc6 63. g4 Bf3 64. a7 Kc7 65. Kc3 Kb6 66. Kd3 Kxa7 67. Ke3 Bc6 68. g5 Kb6 $19 ) 57. Rc3 $4 $19 {The engine's analysis doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me here, I think it's looking about ten perfect moves ahead... which isn't hugely helpful for a Bodley game :D -5.55 / +0.00} ( 57. Ka3 $10 ) 57. ... e5 $201 {Saw the Bd7 check, ignoring it for the new plan of pushing that e pawn to promotion. A plan! An actual plan! Seized on like it was water in the desert. -5.24} 58. Rc5 $6 $19 {-5.90 / -5.24} ( 58. Ka3 h5 59. Rc5 Kd6 60. Rc1 Bd7 61. Ra1 Rb5 62. a6 Rb6 63. a7 Ra6+ 64. Kb2 Ba4 $19 ) 58. ... Ke6 {Should have been Kd6 to attack the rook. Too timid. -5.56} 59. Rc3 {-6.17} 59. ... e4 {-6.45} 60. Rc5 $201 {-7.37} 60. ... Bb7 $19 {Maybe I was over-seized of that plan, the check here is actually pretty good. -5.55 / -7.37} ( 60. ... Bd7+ 61. Ka3 Rb5 62. Rc1 Ke5 63. a6 Ra5+ 64. Kb4 Rxa6 65. Re1 Rd6 66. Kc3 Rd3+ 67. Kc2 Kd4 68. g4 e3 69. g5 Rd2+ 70. Kc1 Ra2 71. Kb1 Be6 72. h5 e2 73. Rh1 Ra5 74. g6 hxg6 75. hxg6 $19 ) 61. Ka3 {-6.19} 61. ... Kd6 {Better late than never this time I guess. -6.25} 62. Rf5 $201 {-49.56} 62. ... Re8 $19 {I see what the engine's saying but it doesn't matter, with the rook behind it, that pawn's promoting and the game's pretty much done even at my level now. -7.55 / -49.56} ( 62. ... Ba6 63. Rf4 e3 64. Re4 e2 65. Ka2 Bd3 66. Re3 Bc4+ 67. Ka1 Rb3 68. Re4 Bd3 69. Re3 Rb1+ 70. Ka2 e1=Q 71. Rxe1 Rxe1 72. g4 Ba6 73. Kb3 Re4 $19 ) 63. Rb5 $201 {-27.19} 63. ... e3 $19 {Sacrificing the bishop I destroyed my middlegame for so that a pawn can promote and win the game. There's a lesson in there somewhere under all that irony... -8.03 / -27.19} ( 63. ... Ba6 64. Rb1 e3 65. Ka4 e2 66. Re1 Re3 67. h5 Kc5 68. Rc1+ Bc4 69. g4 e1=Q 70. Rxe1 $19 ) 64. Rxb7 {-46.32} 64. ... e2 {-46.45} 65. Rb6+ {Bit of a spite check that, really. -49.06} 65. ... Kc5 {-53.82} 66. Rb7 {-327.43} 66. ... e1=Q {And white resigned as it's mate in six here. -327.44} ( 66. ... e1=Q {48:-327.44} 67. Rc7+ Kd6 68. Kb3 Kxc7 69. Kc4 Qxg3 70. Kb5 Qxh4 71. Ka6 Re5 72. Ka7 Rxa5# ) 0-1
Tags: bodley, pgn
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